Latest Past Events

Organizing in Increasingly Repressive Environments: Pushing Against Criminalization

With the global rise of authoritarianism, civil society is experiencing an unprecedented crack down around the world. Drawing from the experiences of organizations in Florida, Brazil, and Nicaragua, the conversation explored the challenges and opportunities of organizing in contexts where freedom of expression and assembly are severely restricted. Key questions addressed include: What tactics have […]

Mediation for Movements: Managing Intra-Movement Conflict


Co-Hosted by The Horizons Project and the Global Grassroots Support Network See clips from the event and resource here. The Intermestic (international-domestic) Learning Series aims to: Strengthen relationships among activists, organizers, peacebuilders, and democracy practitioners across the globe; Facilitate opportunities for cross-border learning around strategies and tactics for pushing back against authoritarianism and advancing diverse, […]

Bridging Towards a Just, Inclusive, Pluralistic Democracy

The Horizons Project and the Othering & Belonging Institute were energized to co-host this event for the National Week of Conversation. We explored what it means to bridge in a way that builds empathy and understanding while centering justice and our common humanity. Watch the recording for this event. Background Our society is at a […]